Turnierergebnisse National

Welcome foreign couples to the German Rock'n'Roll and Boogie-Woogie Confederation

Foreign couples are most welcome to participate at a selection of German rock'n'roll-acrobatic and boogie-woogie competitions.

This page is to describe the process to participate in German rock'n'roll-acrobatic and boogie-woogie competitions.

In general all WRRC enabled couples and formations are allowed to take part in any german competition besides the German championships  or competitions where a qualification is needed. To register you for our judging system and the list of participants, you need to do an initial registration and get a five digit couple-ID.

If you allready got your couple-ID you can use this form to update your specific acrobatic selections or to update your music for final rounds (only valid for a-main-class, b-class and formations)

If you already got a couple-ID and your profile is up to date with your latest acrobatic program and final music (only needed for rock'n'roll-acrobatic competitions) you only need to write an e-mail to addme2startlist@drbv.de and we will add you to the list of starters. The only information needed is the date and name of the competition you would like to compete at.

Registered foreign couples can check their status at the profile check webpage. Couples with acrobatic program get an overview of the registered program and points. Just fill in your couple-ID and select current status or the status of a specific competition. After the competition there is a webpage to view your results in detail (couple-ID and password required).


Advices to foreign couples:

In general all WRRC rules apply to German competitions as well, but there might be minor differences.

  • Only Main-A, B-Class and formations are allowed to have their own final music.
  • Main-A, B-Class, Master-RR uses the same acrobatic definitions and rules as given by the WRRC acro-calculator. Thus the easiest way to provide the acrobatic information is to attach a picture of the WRRC acro-calculator (See example).
  • For C-Class and juniors, the best way is to attach a video of your routine or at least of your acrobatics (in the correct order). You might also provide a list of acrobatic if you are able to find the appropriate one within our acrobatic catalog (c-class catalog, junior-class catalog)
  • C-Class needs four acrobatics and there are no rules for obligatory groups, but only two acrobatic combinations are allowed. There is a chance that other countries might allow more complex acrobatics than we do - if that is the case, provide a video and stay with the acrobatic, the observer will take care about it.

If you have further questions or suggestions for us, don't hesitate to contact us by e-mail vizepraesident@drbv.de



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